The J Maker

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DragPuzzle version: 2004.06.06

<-- title position: x y --> <-- game area position: x y --> <-- 'Start' button position: x y --> <-- 'Solve' button position: x y --> <-- timer position: x y --> <-- panel background color: R G B --> <-- panel foreground color: R G B --> <-- button background color: R G B --> <-- button foreground color: R G B -->

[Main Features]: This Java applet implements a fully configurable photo puzzle. You can supply your own photo and divide it into pieces with specified row and col. All captions are customizable as well.

[Execution Tips]: Click and drag each puzzle piece to move. To start a new puzzle, provide its number of rows and columns first and click the 'New' button.

[Parameters and HTML Configurator]:
Parameter Value Description
width of the applet
height of the applet
regcode registration code
loading toggle to display the loading message (0 = do not display)
frames number of frames in the animation of swapping pieces
delay animation delay between frames in milliseconds
photo photo file for the puzzle
scramblestart toggle to start with a scrambled mode (1 to enable)
solvebutton toggle to show the 'Solve' button (0 to disable)
titleimage title image file: fill in "none" if no image
titlepos title position: x y
gamepos game area position: x y
startpos 'Start' button position: x y
solvepos 'Solve' button position: x y
timerpos timer position: x y
bgimage background image filename or "none"
winfile winning audio filename
movefile moving audio filename
panelbg panel background color: R G B
panelfg panel foreground color: R G B
buttonbg button background color: R G B
buttonfg button foreground color: R G B
maxmoves limit of moves (no limit if less than 0)
maxtime limit of play time in minutes (no limit if less than 0)
winlink '|' seperates gameover URL and target frame
* fill in "none" for URL if you don't want to link to anywhere
* target frame options are as follows
_self = current frame
_parent = parent frame
_top = top-most frame
_blank = new unnamed top-level frame
x = new top-level frame named x
loselink '|' seperates gameover URL and target frame
* fill in "none" for URL if you don't want to link to anywhere
* target frame options are as follows
_self = current frame
_parent = parent frame
_top = top-most frame
_blank = new unnamed top-level frame
x = new top-level frame named x
row number of rows to divide the puzzle
col number of columns to divide the puzzle
NewGameText text string for starting a new game
SolvePuzzleText text string for revealing the puzzle
RowText text string before number of rows
ColText text string before number of cols
MovesCountText text string before counts
BestText text string before the best record
WinText text string when winning
LoseText text string when losing

Auto-generated code to be inserted into your HTML page:

P.S. Copy all necessary *.jar, images (e.g. *.gif or *.jpg), and data files (e.g. *.txt) to your web directory and embed the above code into your own HTML file.

[More Package Info]:
  • File Description:
  • DragPuzzle.html - this file
  • DragPuzzle.jar - DragPuzzle program classes
  • DragPuzzle*.au - sample audio files
  • DragPuzzle*.jpg, *.gif - sample photo and background image files