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SlideOnDemandDot version: 2004.08.10

[Main Features]: This slide show / banner Java applet steps through variable-sized images by a random dot effect. Images are only loaded while on demand, i.e. at most two images are resident in the memory for the transition effect at the same time. Theoretically, unlimited number of images can be used.

[Execution Tips]: Move the mouse onto the image to pause the transition or click to link to a URL.

[Parameters and HTML Configurator]:
Parameter Value Description
applet width
applet height
regcoderegistration code
loadingloading screen display toggle: 1 = yes, otherwise = no
bgcolorbackground color: R G B
pausepause at each image in seconds
nrotnumber of rotations before stop (0 = non-stop)
borderborder control: WIDTH|R G B|STYLE
text text format: t0|t1|t2|t3
t0: font type
t1: font style "0" for plain; "1" for bold; "2" for "italic"; "3" for both
t2: font size
t3: font color R G B
canvasfitresize the image to fit in the canvas: 1 = yes, otherwise = no
totaltotal number of images
image format: f0|f1|f2|f3|f4
f0: image filename
f1: caption or fill in "none"
f2: text location x and y
f3: URL address or fill in "none"
f4: frame options are as follows:
_self = current frame
_parent = parent frame
_top = top-most frame
_blank = new unnamed top-level frame
x = new top-level frame named x

Auto-generated code to be inserted into your HTML page:

P.S. Copy all necessary *.jar, images (e.g. *.gif or *.jpg), and data files (e.g. *.txt) to your web directory and embed the above code into your own HTML file.

[More Package Info]:
  • File Description:
  • SlideOnDemandDot.html - this example with comments on param usage
  • SlideOnDemandDot*.jpg - test images
  • SlideOnDemandDot.jar - main program containing classes