In Person

I traveled to L.A. with my mother to attend the PASSIONS Live Auction at Premiere Props in August, as it was the last event being held in association with my favorite show. While there, we ran into my favorite actress from the show, Tracey Ross, who played Eve. She had come to see the items up for auction and bid just like the rest of us fans. Although she wasn't there representing the show itself, Tracey very kindly posed for pictures with the fans who spotted her, chatted with us, and gladly signed items people won at the auction upon request. It was just one more time this wonderful actress has gone out of her way for her fans. As a longtime "Evian" (Eve and Julian) fan, I know I have been spoiled by the fabulous duo of Ross and Ben Masters, who played Julian. Whether it was offering to come in to eat with some of us fans and show us around, even if they weren't working, while we were on a scheduled visit to the set, or holding chats with us on our Evian fan boards, the two have always shown they genuinely care about their fans. Even now, months after the show has ended production, they still keep in touch with us. That's what I call class. I wish Tracey and Ben all the best in the entertainment world and beyond. Hopefully some lucky show out there will snatch these two up really soon!
Karen M., Coshocton, OH