From Tracey Ross
Entry Date: August 16, 2004 I made this Julian-Eve slide show and thought that maybe it would help Evian fans get through the two week 'Passions' drought. It's simple and I'm sure very elementary but I hope it will be somewhat entertaining. The song is 'Unlikely Lovers' by Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach on the 'Painted from Memory' CD they did together. This slideshow is dedicated to Evian fans and to everyone who recognizes, loves, and appreciates the genius of Ben Masters. Tracey Ross |
- To view the slideshow, right click on the "Unlikely Lovers" link above in Tracey's message and save it to your computer. - You will need to download Quicktime if you don't already have it. Download Quicktime. Select the second selection for Windows users. - It is possible to view the slide show right here in the main text box at ED. If you left click on the link a couple of times, it may play for you here and you won't need to save it to your computer. You need to wait a little while for it to download from the site, however. If it plays with sound only, go back in and reclick the link. It should have video then too. - Please leave any feedback for Tracey Ross at Secret Desires or EDMB. Thank you. |
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